Saturday, April 19, 2014

Two friends once told me a funny story about ordering in a Chinese restaurant. They wanted to ask the waitress for two bowls of rice, so one of them held out two fingers - the thumb and the forefinger of his right hand.

Guess what? The waitress gave them a surprising look and came back with eight bowls of rice. She must be thinking: "Two of them can eat eight bowls of rice with all the dishes? Crazy."

My friends were embarrassed. Luckily a Chinese person who could speak some English from the next table explained to the waitress and "saved" them...

In China, we hold out the thumb and the forefinger of the same hand to express the number eight.

Now let's have a look at the hand gestures for Chinese numbers 1-10.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Vivienne Zhang Books - Modern Chinese - Amazon

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Vivienne Zhang Books available on Amazon, Kindle, iTunes/iBookstore, 
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Learn Modern Chinese 

 with Vivienne Zhang's Books